Nguyễn Phục Hưng, Võ Thị Mỹ Hương, Lê Thị Thanh Yến

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Purpose:To survey the drug use among outpatient treatment by means of drug use indicators. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 385 outpatient prescriptions with health insurance. Results:The results showed that the average number of drugs in each prescription was 5.18, 35.32% antibiotics, 0.52% injections, 22.6% vitamin, 26.2% corticosteroids and 45.64% essential drugs. The average prescription cost was 3.22 USD. The proportion of antibiotics, injections, vitamins and corticoids cost was 38.28%, 72.77%, 11.14% and 7.98% respectively. Conclusion: The results of the study provide useful information for health workers and leaders on the current situation of outpatient prescription at a district (level III) healthcare facility.

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