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Background: In cycles of in vitro fertilization, transferring multiple embryo transfer may increase the risk of multiple gestations which can lead to several complications for both mother and child. In order to reduce the risk, we wanted to study whether increasing the number of embryos transferred would significantly boots the live birth rate of the patients. This article aims to describe the clinical characteristics, IVF’s result and pregnancy rates of the women under 35 years old in fresh cycles, who underwent 2 and 3 embryos transfer. Subjects and methods: 495 cases (250 cases who transferred 2 embryos and 245 cases who transferred 3 embryos). We study patient’s characteristic, blood test, IVF’s result and pregnancy outcome. Results: the live birth rate of group with 2 and 3 embryos transfer was 35,2 % and 41.2%, relatively (p = 0.17). The multiple gestation rate of 3 embryos transfer’s group is significantly higher than the group which transfer 2 embryos (17,1% and 6%, p = 0.0001). Transferring 3 embryos increase both the risk of multiple gestation and the risk of premature birth than transferring 2 embryos. Results: Transferring 2 embryos is safer than 3 embryos with the same pregnancy outcome.

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