Hoàng Thủy1,, Nguyễn Viết Nhung1, Nguyễn Đình Tiến2
1 National Lung Hospital
2 108 Military Central Hospital

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Objective: This study evaluated the results of artery blood gas in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Subject and method: This is a cross-sectional study conducted on 152 patients who was diagnosed with acute exacerbation of COPD and had inpatient treatment at National Lung Hospital, Vietnam from September 2016 to February 2019. Result: The majority of patients (61,2%) have decreased PaO2 and 53,9% of patients have increased PaCO2. The average value of some blood gas indicators: pH 7.395 ± 0,049, PaO2 82.268 ± 11.838, PaCO2 46.037 ± 11.838, HCO3- 27.338 ± 5.107. There were 93 patients with COPD exacerbated hospitalization (61,2%) with respiratory failure manifested in arterial blood gas Respiratory failure characteristics accoding to arterial blood test in the study were mainly increased PaCO2 accounting for 54,8%, in patients with mixed respiratory failure had 35,5% and reduced respiratory depression PaO2 had 9,7%. Conclusion: Arterial blood gas is a significant test for diagnosis the respiratory failure and discovered acid- base disorders.

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