Trần Trung Kiên1,, Nguyễn Tiến Bình2, Đặng Hoàng Anh2
1 Duc Giang General Hospital, Hanoi
2 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objective: To analyse the characteristics of bone density, X-ray images, and MRI images of patients diagnosed with vertebral compression fracture at Duc Giang General Hospital from 2015 to 2018. Method: This study employed the cross-sectional study design. We surveyed all patients diagnosed with vertebral compression fracture at Duc Giang Hospital during the data collection period from 2015 to 2018. The data was colleced from patient records using a data collection checklist. The study variables include information on the patient's socio-demographic characteristics, bone density (measured using T-Score), location of vertebra, classification, and vertebral height and kyphosis angle. Results and conclusion: The total of 173 patients (the mean age was 70.2 and 77.8% of them were female) were included in the study. 195 collapsed vertebrae were detected. The mean T-Score was -3.36 ± 1.21. The most common collapsed vertebrae were L1 (70 vertebrae) and D12 (46 vertebrae). Most of the vertebrae were wedge-shaped (149 vertebrae). The average height of the anterior wall, the middle wall and the posterior wall of the collapsed vertebra is 19.41 ± 3.63, 22.89±3.65 and 27.48±3.29 millimeters, respectively. The average reduction in height of collapsed vertebrae compared with adjacent healthy vertebrae was 30.1%. Most of the collapsed vertebrae were classified as mild and moderate fracture (according to the Genant classification), accounting for 42% and 41% of collapsed vertebrae, respectively. Research provides useful information to support doctors in the process of diagnosis and treatment vertebral compression fracture.

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