Thạch Ngọc Linh1, Hà Văn Phúc2,
1 Thang Long University
2 Kien Giang Department of Health

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Objectives: A cross-sectional descriptive study to evaluate self-care capacity in 685 HIV/AIDS patients treated at ARV outpatient clinics in Tra Vinh province from October 2020 to June 2021. Objectives: Describe the self-care ability of HIV/AIDS-infected people undergoing outpatient treatment in Tra Vinh province in the year 2020 - 2021 (2) Identify some factors related to the self-care ability of people living with HIV/AIDS. infected with HIV/AIDS are being treated as outpatients in Tra Vinh province. The data collected is the interview table. The results show that there are men 455/685, accounting for 66.4%, women have a lower rate of 33.6% (230/685). The age group under 50 accounted for 635/685, accounting for 92.7%. The age group older than 50 years old accounted for 50/685, accounting for 7.3%. using tobacco (35.3%) and alcohol and beer (49.2%), while using drugs and other addictive substances has 11.4%, and using Methadone 6.0%. The overall ability to care aspect: total score: 0.7±0.7) is: “Monitoring bowel movements every day” and self-care actions with the highest score of 1.6 points are actions after: “Body hygiene: Maintain good oral hygiene and brush your teeth during the day”, “Protective and preventive practices, e.g. safe sex”. Specific care ability aspect: overall score of 1.2±0.6 is: “regular health check and maintenance follow-up care from doctors, nurses, willingness to accept help from others ” and the self-care actions with the highest score of 1.6 points are the following actions:  “Building.” More than half of the study participants took good care of themselves, 56.5%. The rest had poor self-care, accounting for 43.5%. There is a relationship with education level; with tobacco use, with Methadone use, with sex, with Sexual Transmission, with Duration of infection; with HIV Disclosure Status, with duration of ART, with adherence.

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