Vũ Thị Hinh1,, Nguyễn Văn Liệu1,2, Nguyễn Đoàn Thuỷ1, Trương Huệ Linh1, Nguyễn Thu Hà1, Kiều Thị Hậu1, Phạm Ngọc Huyền1
1 Tâm Anh Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Autonomic testing is a useful method to assess autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson's patients at any stage. In Vietnam, there has not had many studies related to this issue. Therefore, we conducted a study on 53 Parkinson's patients with the goal of determining the autonomic testing results in Parkinson's patients and investigating the correlation between the test and the severity of the disease. The results showed that the rate of autonomic dysfunction varied according to the tests performed. The highest rate of abnormality was in the group of blood pressure variation during isometric exercise with 83,02%, followed by heart rate variability during deep breathing (35,85%). Autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson's patients is mild. The percentage of patients with  abnormality in 1 autonomic nerve test was the highest with 56,6%, followed by abnormality in 2 tests with 32,08%. There is a weak correlation between the number of abnormal autonomic nerve tests with Hoehn & Yahr scale, UPDRS III with correlation coefficients of 0,11; 0,21 respectively (p > 0,05).

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