Trương Đức Kỳ Trân1,, Lâm Hoài Phương1, Nguyễn Văn Lân1, Hồ Nguyễn Thanh Chơn1
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Objective: To evaluate the change of dental arch morphology in complete cleft lip (CCL) patients after cheiloplasty. Material and method: A follow-up report of 15 nonsyndromic CCL patients at My Thien Odonto-Stomatology Hospital, Ho Chi Minh city was performed to compare the changes of dental arch morphology in CCL patients by surveying their 3D casts from impressions taken before the surgery, 3 months and 6 months after surgery. Results: The cleft width was significantly reduced (ΔGL= -8.37mm), and there was a rotation of the premaxillary process inwards of the palate (ΔGIC= -13.78°, ΔGCC'= -13.96°). The horizontal changes in the tubercle’s convex region, the area between the canine germs and the anteroposterior size are unlikely to change. Conclusion: In children with complete cleft lip defect, after cheiloplasty, there was a self-closing effect of the dental arches on both sides of the cleft palate, in which two pieces of the palate rotate to shorten the distance between them without the support of any assistive orthopedic devices. Delayed development of the anterior palatal width was observed, whereas the posterior palatal width developed normally.

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