Ngô Viết Lộc1,, Phan Thị Thảo Nguyên1
1 Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Improving healthcare service quality is always one of the first works of the hospital. Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital is getting better and better in healthcare service quality. Every year, the Hospital always improves, gives reality opinions and solutions of healthcare service quality at the Hospital towards patient satisfaction. Objectives: Describe the status of improvement activities of healthcare service quality at the Clinical Departments of  Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital in 2019 and measure medical staff’s knowledge, attitudes and practices of improvement activities of healthcare service quality. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study on 280 medical staff at 11 clinical departments of  Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. Result: The status of improvement activities of healthcare service quality at clinical departments of the Hospital in 2019: The activity "Establishing the healthcare service quality improvement and management system" reached level 3. The activity "Prevention of medical incidents and remedial" reached level 4. The activity "Healthcare service quality assessment, measurement, cooperation and improvement" reached level 4. Staff’s knowledge, attitude and practice about improvement activities of healthcare service quality: Having good knowledge about the quality improvement activities is 77.1%; having a good attitude towards the quality improvement activities is 86.4% and having a good practice of the the quality improvement activities is 45.0%. Conclusion: Based on the knowledge, attitude and practice of improvement activities of healthcare service quality in research subjects to take appropriate measures.

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