Nguyễn Hải Niên, Phạm Hữu Thiên

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The abnormal erupting position of the No. 8 tooth causes many complications, directly affecting the patient's health. The Panorama dental imaging technique brings many benefits to the orthodontist when examining teeth morphology No. 8, structures and neighboring lesions. The study was conducted based on the measurements of 119 patients with Panorama film. Our results show that the number 8 is most common at the age of 26-40 years old, accounting for 52.94%, the rate of nearly-angular deviation accounts for the highest rate 63.26%, horizontal growth of 21.95% and inverted accounting for the lowest rate of 1.53%. Tooth number 8 is deviated>450, accounting for the majority of 62.76%, deviation 460-800 accounts for 54.08%. Caries complications accounted for the highest rate of 52.88%, followed by alveolar bone resorption, which accounted for 47.12%, the proportion of cavities without damage to tooth marrow 7 accounted for 46.60%, and damage to tooth pulp number 7 accounted for 6.28%. Rigid digestion was not found in this study. Among the complications encountered, the number 7 tooth decay complications are mostly encountered when the number 8 grows in a nearly angular position, accounting for 69.31%.

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