Nguyễn Quang Đức1, Lại Bình Nguyên2,, Nguyễn Tài Sơn3
1 Center for Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery, 108 Military Central Hospital
2 Hanoi Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital
3 108 Institute Of Clinical Medical And Pharmaceutical Sciences

Main Article Content


Objective: The purpose of this study is to present our experience in selecting the donor site for free fibular osteocutaneous flap in oromandibular reconstruction after cancer resection. Methods: This is a retrospective review of 63 cases who had maxillofacial cancer resected and were reconstructed by free osteocutaneous fibular flap in Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Hanoi National Hospital of Odonto – Stomatology from May 2014 to August 2017. Results: When placing the skin paddle of osteocutaneous fibular flap inside the oral cavity for providing mucosal lining, we choose the contralateral fibular flap. When placing the skin paddle outside to provide skin cover, we choose the ipsilateral one. And when the lesion was on the middle, we often choose the non-dominant leg, as long as there was no contraindication of fibular flap harvest. Totally, there were 27 cases with fibular flap harvested from right leg and 36 cases were harvested from left leg. The total flap failure ratio was 3.2% and no case has partial flap failure. Conclusion: Free fibular flap donor side selection will depend on surgeons’ preference, especially when muscular component was not included. However, respect of flap components’ position as described above can significantly contribute to success of operation.

Article Details


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