Hoàng Vũ Long1,
1 Hanoi Hospital of Traditional Medicine

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Objectives: 1. To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of herbal cupping therapy in treating patients with acute back pain categorized in the cold and dampness pattern. 2. To monitor the adverse effects of the therapy in clinical treatment. Subjects: 60 patients who was greater than or equal to 18 and years old, diagnosed with acute back pain categorized in the cold and dampness pattern, were divided into control group and study group. The two groups of patients were initially diagnosed with equivalent pain intensity on Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and similar lumbar spine mobility. The control group was treated with electroacupuncture while the experimental group was treated with herbal cupping therapy. Each treatment lasted for 10 days. Methods: This study was designed as a controlled intervenstions trial comparingbefore and after treatment comparisons. Results: After the treatmeant, higher effectiveness of herbal cupping therapy on the experimental group over control group at D5 with p < 0.05; better pain reduction measured on VAS, improvement of flexion range at D5, left and right lateral flexion at D10 with p < 0.05. Conclusion: The herbal cupping therapy effectively reduces pain and improves lumbar spine mobility for patients with acute back pain categorized in the cold and dampness pattern, there is no adverse effects identified in clinical

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