Cung Văn Công1,
1 National Lung Hospital

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Germ cell tumors account for about 10% of primary tumors in the mediastinum, which are derived from primordial germ cells of the fetal sex cord. Germ cell tumors are common in the anterior mediastinum, 5% in the posterior mediastinum; ages 20-40 years old. Histopathological classification of Germ cell tumors include: (1) benign and malignant teratomas; (2) seminoma; (3) embryonal carcinoma; (4) endodermal sinus tumor; (5) choriocarcinoma and (6) mixed cell tumors. More than 80% of germ cell tumors are benign, of which the majority are benign teratomas. The distribution of the disease in both sexes is similar, however, men have a higher propensity to develop malignant germ cell tumors than women. Among the most common malignant germ cell tumors are seminoma (accounting for about 30%), followed by embryonal carcinoma and malignant teratoma about 10% each; endodermal sinus tumor and choriocarcinoma together account for about 5%; The remaining malignant germ cell tumors accounting for about 40% of cases are of mixed cell type. We report a case of primary testicular germ cell tumor in the mediastinum, confirmed by histopathology and immunohistochemical staining; treated with surgery and chemotherapy, initially gave good results.

Article Details


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