Nguyễn Vinh Quốc1,, Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Quyên1
1 Military Institute of Traditional Medicine

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The increasing in life expectancy and socioeconomic changes, hyperuricemia and gout are increasingly common and become a major challenge for the health. If not treated appropriately, arthritis episodes will appear more often and last longer, more difficult to treat, and long-term consequences of the disease will be polyarthritis, septic arthritis, stiffness, deformity and limit joint mobility, even leading to disability, urinary system stones, especially kidney stones, kidney failure or affecting all other organs in the body. This seriously affects the patient's quality of life. With a rich source of medicinal herbs, Vietnamese traditional medicine has had many studies on effective herbs and remedies for gout treatment. We report a patient diagnosed with chronic gout with hyperuricemia who was successfully treated with the traditional remedy "Luc nhat tan".

Article Details


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