Nguyễn Huyền Thoại1,, Nguyễn Duy Kháng2, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Tuyến1
1 Tra Vinh University
2 Duyen Hai District Medical Center, Tra Vinh Province

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Background: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a group of diseases, which seriously affect public health and socio-economic development due to the high number of infected people, the disease causes many serious consequences and can lead to death. Understanding the distribution characteristics and mortality rates of non-communicable diseases in Tra Vinh province will contribute to prevention programs and treatment strategies in the community. Objectives: Describe the distribution by number and percentage of deaths from non-communicable diseases by age group of 4 main groups of non-communicable diseases including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory diseases chronic. Materials and methods: Cases of death in Tra Vinh province during the period from January 1, 2021 to December 30, 2021. Design cross-sectional descriptive study. Results: The rate of treatment and the rate of new detection in the group hypertension (7.1% and 2.8%), and cancer (18.7% and 0.4%) are two diseases with high rates than non-communicable diseases. The number of deaths in 2021 due to hypertension (726), and cancer (285) accounts for the highest number.  The mortality rate between men and women in the disease groups is similar. Conclusion: The proportion of people suffering from some non-communicable diseases who have appropriate treatment and prevention behaviors is alarming. It is necessary to have interventions to help people realize the importance of disease treatment and prevention.

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