Trần Thanh Hà1,2,, Nguyễn Lĩnh Toàn2, Nguyễn Quang Duật2, Dương Quang Huy2
1 Bach Mai Hospital
2 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objectives: To study endoscopic images and histopathology of colorectal polyps over 10mm in size. Subjects and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study on 104 patients at Gastroenterohepatology Center - Bach Mai Hospital from January 2017 to December 2021. Colonoscopy was performed to evaluate characteristics of polyps over 10mm in size and performing polypectomy to evaluate histopathology according to WHO 2010 criteria. Result: 89.2% of polyps in proximal colon with stalk is the most common shape (accounting for 82.1%). There are 20,2% polyp over 20mm in size. Adenomatous polyps accounted for a high rate of 84.5%, mainly tubular adenoma (91.6%) with 100% having dysplasia of various degrees, of which 18.3% were high grade dysplasia. Size is the only relationship between polyp and the degree of dysplasia on histopathology of adenomatous polyps. Conclusion: Colorectal polyps over 10mm in size are mainly adenomatous ones, uncommon villous component and not relationship with site, shape, size of polyp in colonic endoscopy.

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