Lê Phùng Thành1, Bùi Huy Mạnh2,, Đồng Văn Hệ1
1 Vietduc University Hospital
2 Departement of Neurosurgery, Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital

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Objective: Describe clinical symptoms, radiological features, result of surgery for the brain lymphoma. Subjects and methods: a prospective cross-sectional descriptive study on 26 cases with diagnosis of brain lymphoma based on clinical symptoms, imaging, and pathological results treated at the Viet Duc hospital from May 1, 2021 to May 1, 2022. Results: Epidemiology: under 50 years old: 19.2%; 50-70 years old: 61.5%, over 70 years old: 19.2%; male: female = 1.1:1. Clinical symptoms: Headache (84.6%), hemiparesis (46.2%) and psychological symptoms (38.5%). Cerebral hemisphere (50%), corpus callosum (26.9%), intraventricular, nucleus, cerebellum (15.4%), suprasellar (7.7%). Number of tumors: one lesion (57.7%), multiple lesions (42.3%). size <2cm (15.4%), 2-3cm (19.2%), >3cm (65.4%); primary tumor (92.3%), secondary tumor (7.7%); MRI: Gadolium contrast + 100%, homogeneous enhancement (76.9%), heterogeneity (23.1%),  ‘‘open ring’’ sign (15.4%), cracks (23.1%), butterfly wings (3.8%). The surgical methods: craniotomy (46.2%), neuronavigation biopsy (53.8%); Postoperative complications: cerebral edema (34.6%), bleeding (26.9%), CFS leak (3.8%), All patients were treated stably. Mortality rate: 0%. Pathological results: diffuse large cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (100%).

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