Đậu Đức Thành1,, Nguyễn Hồng Hà1
1 Vietduc University Hospital

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Objectives: To describe the clinical and radiographic features of patients with zygomatic fractures diagnosed and treated at Department of Maxillofacial, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Viet Duc University Hospital in 2021-2022. Subjects and methods: Applying a cross – sectional study on 305 patients suffering from zygomtic fractures, were treated at Department of Maxillofacial, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Viet Duc Hospital from 1/2021 – 3/2022. The patients were analysed medical story, clinical examination and taken x-ray to recognize the study indicators. Results: The study subjects with an everage age of 30,5±11,6 years old, with a male/female ratio of 6,8, the main cause of traffic accidents accounted for 94,8%. Clinical features: sharp pain at the fracture site is the most common clinical sign (92,8%), followed by soft tissue swelling (91,8%), bruising around the eye socket (90,8 %), bone disruption (82,6%), and concave cheekbones (69,5%). Radiographic: CT scanner film is used 100% of the time. The classification of zygomatic fractures by Knight – North: simple arch fractures accounted for 3,9%, non-displaced zygomatic fractures accounted for 2,3%, unrotated body fracture accounted for 29,2%, laterally rotated body fractures accounted for 23,6%, medially rotated body fractures accounted for 28,5%, complex fractures accounted for 12,5%. The most common combined facial injuries are sinus (93,1%), facial wounds (57,7%), and maxillary fractures (36,1%). Other organ injuries combined with traumatic brain injury accounted for the highest rate (36,1%), limb injuries accounted for a relatively high rate (24,3%), chest trauma was 6,9%, abdominal trauma was 2,3%, and spinal injury was 1,6%. Conclusions: Zygomatic fractures are most common in young men between the ages of 16 and 30, with traffic accidents being the leading cause. Clinical symptoms are frequently diverse and fully detectable on a CT scan. Sinuses, facial wounds, and maxillary fractures are the most common combined facial injuries. Zygomatic fractures is frequently associated with organ damage, such as traumatic brain injury and limb trauma.

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