Ma Chính Lâm1,, Lương Thị Minh Hương2, Ngô Xuân Quý1
1 Vietnam National Cancer Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Objectives: To evaluate the results of treatment for primary parotid cancer at Vietnam National Cancer Hospital. Subjects and methods: A retrospective cohort study followed up 60 patients with parotid cancer who were treated at K Hospital from 1/2016 to 12/2021. Results: The total parotidectomy rate was 98.3%; 41.7% of patients underwent selective neck dissection; and 73.3% received postoperative radiotherapy; Facial nerve palsy: 30.0%; 20.0% of cases with facial nerve palsy recovered after 6 months; Frey’s syndrome 10.0%; temporomandibular joint dysfunction: 11.4%. 11.7% of patients were recurrent; Overall survival was 75.1%. Univariate analysis showed that overall survival was related to age, cervical metastasis, and treatment methods. Conclusion: The treatment of parotid salivary gland cancer remains primarily surgical. Postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy reduces the risk of local recurrence and improves overall survival in advanced stages of disease.

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