Bùi Đặng Minh Trí1,, Bùi Tùng Hiệp1, Trần Văn Kha2, Nguyễn Vương Vũ3
1 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine
2 Vietnam Military Medical University
3 Trang Bom District Medical Center, Dong Nai Province

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Objectives: Describing clinical and paraclinical characteristics of patients with lumbar disc herniation at Thong Nhat hospital. Subjects and methods: A prospective descriptive study on 72 patients diagnosed with lumbar disc herniation and treated at Thong Nhat Hospital. Results: Among patients, the majority of patients had a disease duration of more than 1 month, usually 6-12 months, sudden onset of the disease, related to traumatic factors wiht high rate. Pain spreads along the nerve roots, pain on the left side was more common than pain on the right side. The nature of pain increased as movement, coughing, and sneezing. Mainly paresthesia and loss of foot sensation, decreased or lost knee reflex, heel reflex or disorder of both knee and heel reflex, loss of muscle strength along the nerve roots. The rate of muscle atrophy was 27.5%. Patients with lumbar spinal syndrome and nerve root syndrome accounted for the high percentage. Conclusion: Among patients, the majority of patients had a disease duration of more than 1 month, sudden onset of the disease, and high proportion of traumatic factors related to the disease. Patients with lumbar spinal syndrome and nerve root syndrome accounted for the high percentage.

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