Cung Văn Công1,
1 National Lung Hospital

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WHO's updated histopathological classification 2021, lung adenocarcinoma is divided into the following types: Minimally Invasive Adenocarcinoma (MIA); Invasive Non-Mucinous Adenocarcinoma (INMA); Invasive Mucinous Adenocarcinoma (IMA); Coiloide Adenocarcinoma (CA); Fetal Adenocarcinoma (FA) and Enteric Adenocarcinoma (EA). Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA) usually has predominant characteristic components, including Lepidic (Lepidic Predominant Adenocarcinoma - LPA) and Acinar Predominant Adenocarcinoma (APA) with varying degrees of low-grade malignancy. Lepidic MIA’s are usually shown on CT chest film by ground glassis Opacity (GGO) or semi-solid nodules (Part Solid - PS) with narrow focal area. If this form is detected and treated specifically, the prognosis is usually good, the rate of complete cure and 5-year survival is very high. We report a case of Lepidic MIA that is quite special, different from the usual with widespread damage to both lungs, diagnosed by testing for cancer cells in sputum and bronchial mucosal biopsy.

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