Nguyễn Song Tú1,, Hoàng Văn Phương2, Nguyễn Hồng Trường1, Đỗ Thúy Lê1
1 National University of Nutrition
2 General Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health

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Vitamin A is involved in the growth and development of children, including adolescence. A cross-sectional study to identify some associated factors with vitamin A deficiency (VAD) was conducted on 571 students aged 11-14 in Dien Bien province, 2018. The results showed that serum retinol concentration was related to height-for-age Zscore, serum 25(OH)D and zinc concentration. Students who were of the H'mong ethnic group, no puberty yet, zinc deficiency had 1.8 times higher risk of magrinal and sub-clinical VAD (Sub-VAD) than those of other ethnic groups (Thai, Kho Mu ..), puberty, not zinc deficiency (p < 0.01); Boarding students had 1.7 times higher risk of magrinal and sub-VAD than nonresident students (p < 0.01); Stunting had 1.4 times higher risk of magrinal and sub-VAD than without stunting (p < 0.05). Male had 1.6 times higher risk of magrinal and sub-VAD than that of female (p < 0.05). Therefore, interventions to solve vitamin A deficiency need to focus on children who have not yet puberty; improving stunting, micronutrient deficiencies (zinc, vitamin D deficiency) and prioritized interventions for H'mong students.

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