Nguyễn Trung Dũng1, Trần Ngọc Lương1,, Đỗ Thành Công1
1 National Hospital of Endocrinology

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Different thyroid cancer (DTC) remains the most malignancy tumor in endocrine glands, indication of lobectomy in the early stage is often. Objective: to review the indication of open thyroid lobectomy treatment for thyroid cancer. Subjects: including 80 patients who operated at national hospital endocrinology from January 2021 to March 2022. Research method: A retrospective study. Results:  the rate of females was 90%, the mean age of patients was 40,29 ± 9,37, most cases were from 31 to 50 years old, and 88,8% of patients have thyroid nodules which incidental examined. Nodules were examined at 21,2%, the rate in left lobes was 47,1%, and right lobes were 52,9%. In ultrasound thyroid glands, the proportion of TRIADS 4 and TIRADS 5 were 45 and 53,7%. Mean tumor size were 0,6±0,19cm, range from 0,3cm to 1cm. Most patients have papillary thyroid cancer (93,8%) and 6,2% of Follicular thyroid cancer. Only 1 patient (1,2%) has a complication, who was temporary hoarseness and recovered after three months. Conclusions: indications of lobectomy in DTC with stage I, tumor size ≤ 1cm, not extracapsular, and no lymph node metastasis are efficient and safe.

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