Trịnh Kiến Nhụy1,, Võ Thị Bé My1
1 Tra Vinh University

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Objectives: patient characteristics and the use of inhibitors proton pump and drug groups to support peptic ulcer. Materials and methods: retrospective study, from January 2020 to the end of April 2020, at the Department of Internal Medicine General - Hospital of Tra Vinh. Select all medical records, survey patient characteristics by age group, sex, Ethnicity, occupation, peptic ulcer disease groups, the use of proton pump inhibitors and groups of drugs to support gastric and duodenal ulcers on each medical records. Exclude patients who stop taking medication for other reasons (example: surgery), transfer to hospital or death and abandonment of treatment or escape from hospital. Use Microsoft Excel 2013. Results: the age group from 41 to 59 years old has the highest rate of 30.53%; female (50.76%) has a higher rate than male (49.24%); the highest occupation is farmers (30.53%) and the lowest is trading (4.20%); the group of gastritis has the highest rate of 77.10% and the lowest is the group of diseases duodenal ulcer and peptic ulcer is 1.15%. The two drugs most commonly used proton inhibitors are esomeprazole and pantoprazole. 05 groups of drugs that support treatment are tranquilizers; antispasmodic, drug class antiemetic; reduce flatulence, group of vitamins and minerals, group of hemostatic drugs and the least drug group is anemia. Conclusions: has the highest rate is the age group from 41 to 59 years old, farmers, gastritis group. The two drugs most commonly used proton inhibitors are esomeprazole and pantoprazole. 05 groups of drugs that support treatment are tranquilizers; antispasmodic, drug class antiemetic; reduce flatulence, group of vitamins and minerals, group of hemostatic drugs and the least drug group is anemia.

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