Nguyễn Xuân Mỹ1,, Nguyễn Hữu Dự1, Ngũ Quốc Vĩ1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: The rate of obese pregnant women is increasing, which causes many dangerous complications for mother and fetus. In order to understand the characteristics of obese pregnant to make recommendations beneficial to pregnant women as well as reduce possible complications during pregnancy. Objectives: To determine the characteristics of obese pregnant and evaluate the pregnancy outcomes of obese pregnant. Subjects and methods: Cross-sectional study on 76 obese pregnant women. Then, monitor and evaluate the clinical, subclinical symptoms and outcomes of pregnant women at the time of hospital admission and delivery. Results: There were 76 obese pregnant women, of which 59 were class I obesity   (77,63%) and 17 were class II obesity (22,37%). The rates of obese pregnant in women of reproductive age was the most common (69,73%). The percentage of obese pregnant women living in urban areas was higher than that of women living in rural areas (65,79% versus 34,21%). In the group of class II obesity, the rate of weight gain > 12 kg was higher than the weight gain group ≤ 12 kg. The rate of obese pregnant women who are not screened for gestational diabetes in the first trimester is high (46,16%). The percentage of obese pregnant women who had cesarean section was significantly higher than vaginal delivery (85,53% versus 14,47%). The percentage of newborns being cared for in the neonatal department is low (3,95%). There were 2 cases of complications after pregnancy termination, complications were postpartum hemorrhage and postoperative infection. Conclusion: the percentage of pregnant women who are obese tends to increase and is a problem of today's society

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