Vũ Minh Phúc1,, Nguyễn Thị Phi Nga2, Phạm Thúy Hường3
1 National Hospital of Endocrinology
2 Vietnam Military Medical University
3 Military Hospital 103, Vietnam Military Medical University

Main Article Content


Objective: Evaluation of some characteristics of sarcopenia diagnosed by formular of Ishii et al in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study on 479 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus admitted at the National hospital of endocrinology and the Military hospital 103 from January 2022 to May 2022. Results: The rate of sarcopenia increased 1,951 times in patients who were diagnosed with DM more than 10 years (CI 95%, OR: 1,259-3,024, p = 0,003; 1,728); and 1,782 times in patients with hypertension (CI 95%, OR: 1,106-2,698, p = 0,016; 7,872); and 7,872 times in patients with eGFR < 60ml/phút/1,73m2 (CI 95%, OR: 4,598-13,478, p < 0,001). It also decreased 0,481 time in patients taking metformin (CI 95%, OR: 0,311-0,745, p = 0,001). The points of formula of Ishii et al correlated negatively with eGFR, anthropometric index, educational status; and positively with test of stading up and go, duration of diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: The prevalence of sarcopenia increases with the duration of diabetes, HbA1c, hypertesion, decreases with eGFR, metformin treatment. The points of formula of Ishii et al correlated with another elements.

Article Details


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