Nguyễn Thu Trang1,, Đỗ Anh Tú1
1 Vietnam National Cancer Hospital

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Objective: Evaluate the results of paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy regimens in patients with stage IV esophageal cancer at K hospital. Methods: A retrospective and prospective descriptive study were conducted on 48 patients with stage IV esophageal cancer during the period from August 2021 to August 2022. Results: The rate of patients responding to treatment after 3 was 43.8% (partial response was 37.5% and the total response was 6.3%). The rate of patients responding to treatment after 6 was 52.1% (partial response was 43.8% and total response was 8.3%). Common symptoms of choking, pain when swallowing, aspiration improved. Undesirable effects including nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, diarrhea, hair loss tend to decrease over the course of treatment cycles. Hematologic toxicity is low and controllable. Conclusion: This treatment regimen may be more commonly applied in the treatment of esophageal cancer due to its safety and good tolerability.

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