Nguyễn Song Tú1,, Hoàng Nguyễn Phương Linh1, Nguyễn Thúy Anh1, Đỗ Thúy Lê1
1 National University of Nutrition

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Pre-pubertal stage, especially in ethnic minority areas, is one of the aged groups that has not been cared for nutrition. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 461 girls aged 11-13 years old in ethnic minority areas in Yen Bai province to identify iron deficiency anemia and iron store status. The result showed that the prevalence of anemia was 26.9% at the moderate level of public health significance, mainly at the mild level (19.1%). The rate of depleted iron reserves was 7.4%; iron deficiency anemia was 1.5%, contributing to 5.9% causes of anemia. There were 23.8% cases of anemia without iron deficiency. Moreover, there were significant differences in the prevalence of anemia between ethnic groups (p<0.05); the highest rate was in the Tay ethnic group at 40.8%, which was followed by the Dao ethnic group at 28.7% and the H'mong at 23.7%. The rate of depleted iron stores was highest among children of the Dao ethnic group (9.2%, followed by the H'mong ethnic group (8.6%). Therefore, anemia in ethnic minority areas in Yen Bai province is a matter of particular concern, requiring appropriate interventions.

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