Nguyễn Xuân Thùy1, Vũ Trường Thịnh1,2,, Nguyễn Minh Thành3
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Vietduc University Hospital
3 General Hospital of Agricultural

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Introduction: Study to Assessment Outcomes of treatment of intertrochanteric fracture by Internal Osteosynthesis Looking Plate System at Nong Nghiep Hospital. Method: A retrospective and prospective study on 43 patients who diagnosis intertrochanteric fracture underwent internal osteosynthesis Looking Pate System at Othopedic of Nong Nghiep Hospital from 02/2018 to 02/2021. Result: The average age of the study subjects was 71.65 ± 12 years old, daily-life accidents, which are the cause of injury, accounted for the highest rate (79%) and the damage was mainly type A1 (48.8). %) according to the AO standard classification. Overall results according to Nguyen Trung Sinh's standards: good and very good accounted for 72.1% high, 25.6% average, 2.3% poor. Conclusion: Intertrochanteric fracture is a fairly common type of fracture and has a wide range of treatment options. Internal Osteosynthesis Looking Plate System to correct and restore anatomical, fix the fracture firmly, creating conditions for early rehabilitation after surgery.

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