Thân Trọng Quang1, Trần Vũ Hòa2, Nguyễn Trần Uyên Phương1,
1 Tay Nguyen University
2 Tu Du Hospital

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Objective: Toxocara canis is a roundworm parasite commonly found in the intestines of dogs, scientifically known as Toxocara canis. People infected through accidentally ingestion of eggs containing larvae. After entering the body, these worm larvae release, move through the bloodstream to different organs in the body such as liver, heart, lungs, brain, muscles, eyes and central nervous system and cause symptoms such as fever, cough, enlarged liver, pneumonia or dangerous eye problems; called toxocariasis. Nowadays, ELISA technique has been widely applied in diagnostic studies. In Vietnam, the prevalence of Toxocara spp. varies in different areas, as 58.7 - 74.9% in the North; from 38.4 to 53.6% in the South; in the Central region from 13 to 50%. Therefore, investigating the prevalence of Toxocara canis infection is in order to contribute to the effective prevention of parasitic diseases and this study is conducted: “The positive rate from Toxocara canis larvae and some related factors of patients in Tay Nguyen University’s Hospital, 2021”. Methods: The study was carried out at Tay Nguyen University’s Hospital from March to September, 2021 and 400 patients were checked the infection of parasites. Cross-sectional study was designed, direct interviews with a set of closed-ended questions were established and ELISA was applied in this study. Results: Through the study of 400 patients, it was found that: The positive rate for Toxocara canis larvae is about 57.8%. Households with dogs are 13.99 times more likely to be infected with Toxocara canis than households without dogs. People who have a habit of holding dogs are 6.05 times more likely to be infected with Toxocara canis than people who do not have this habit. People who do not often wash their hands before eating have higher risk of Toxocara canis infection 2.8 times compared to the group of people who regularly wash their hands before eating, ... Conclusion: Dog owners are 13.99 times more likely to be infected with Toxocara canis than households without dogs. Washing hands is recommended before eating and after holding the dog.

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