Lê Thanh Đức1,, Bùi Thị Thu Hoài1
1 Vietnam National Cancer Hospital

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Aims: Evaluation of the overall survival time and some factors affecting the overall survival in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with anti-EGFR after first-line chemotherapy. Research subject: 40 patients were diagnosed stage IV non-small cell lung cancer, received oral erlotinib after 4-6 cycles platinum-containing regimen chemotherapy at National Cancer Hospital from January 2016 to June 2022. Patients and Methods: Retrospective combined prospective study. Results: The average OS was 29,4 ± 2,4 months, the median OS was 27 ± 4,5 months. Higher OS in patients have EGFR-mutated gene in exon 19 and skin side effects in patients with NSCLC. Conclusion: Erlotinib improves overall survival and is related to EGFR mutation site and skin side effects.

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