Lê Thị Lê Ny1,, Đặng Thị Việt Hà1,2, Nguyễn Thị Phương Thủy1, Đỗ Gia Tuyển1,2, Nghiêm Trung Dũng2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Urology-Nephrology and Dialysis Center, Bach Mai Hospital

Main Article Content


Objective: To describe the clinical and subclinical characteristics of renal involvement in scleroderma. Subjects and Methods: A descriptive study (combining restrospective and cross-sectional study), including 82 patients diagnosed according to the Criteria of the American Society of Rheumatology (ACR/EULAR 2013) were treated at the Rheumatology Center and Center of Nerprology, Urology and Dialysis in Bach Mai Hospital and National hospital of Dermatology and Vereneology from January 2021 to July 2022. Results and Conclusions: The disease is common in the age group from 30-50 years old with the female/male ratio = 3,1/1. Renal involvement was found in 18/82 patients, accounting for 22%, of which the most common signs in these was hypertension(61,1%), edema (33,3%), proteinuria (44,4), erythrocytosis (38,9%). The proportion of patients with moderate/severe thickening group was strongly higher than in the mild thickening group. We had 2 cases of scleroderma renal crisis with diffuse, rapidly progressive skin lesions. 1 patient was treated with angiotensive- converting enzyme inhibitor therapy to control blood pressure, 1 patient was succecssfully supported on dialysis. Patients with kidney involvement had more frequent with diffuse skin lesions, with rate of 14/18 cases, accounting for 77,8% and were older, symptoms of anemia ad hypertenson are more common in this group of patients. Besides, the rate of RNA- polymerase III autoantibodies is higher in this group.

Article Details


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