Dương Thị Tố Uyên1,, Trần Nguyễn Ngọc1,2, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn1,2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 National Mental Health Institute, Bach Mai Hospital

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World widely, from 100,000 to 200,000 young people commit suicide every year, while the number of suicide attempt can possibly be higher as 40 times of this figure (WHO Adolescent Health and Development Program, 1998). In the U.S., where suicide is currently the third leading cause of death among young people ages 15-24, suicide rates among adolescents are rising faster than among any other age group. Objectives: To describe clinical features of suicidal behavior in the group of patients aged 15 to 24 years who are hospitalized. Subjects and research methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study of 101 inpatients at the Institute of Mental Health - Bach Mai Hospital from August 2021 to June 2022. Results: The study subjects sociodemographic characteristics: female – 67,3%, average age – 18,66 ± 2,84, living places in rural and urban areas are almost equal (55,4% and 44,6%), education level is mainly upper secondary school (55,4%), up to two-thirds of the study patients reported that they had suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviors in the past (71,3%). The number of patients with suicidal ideation and behavior accounted for 54,5% of the total number of patients studied, of which only 27,3% had suicidal ideation, 72,7% had suicidal behavior. The suicidal ideation and behavior appeared slowly or suddenly at almost equivalent rate, 50,9% and 47,3%, respectively, and only 1,8% occured at an unknown time. About two-thirds of the patients did not share their suicidal ideation nor behavior with people around (67,3%), two times more than the number of patients who informed about their intention. The most common symptoms of patients in our study were: feelings of hopelessness (98,2%), depressive episodes (78,2%), lack of help (69,1%), consideration of themselves to be a burden of the family (40%), excitement, impulsiveness or anxiety (36,4%). Conclusion: Suicide is a common mental disorder in the group 15-24 years old. Among patients with suicidal ideations and behaviors, the number of patients with suicidal behaviors was nearly 4 times higher than those with only suicidal thoughts, the majority of which were women. Most of the patients had suicidal thoughts and behaviors in the past. Suicidal ideation can appear slowly or suddenly. Most patients often did not share with others their suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The most common symptoms were feeling of hopelessness, depressive episode, and lack of life support.

Article Details


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