Phạm Lâm Sơn1,, Vũ Hồng Thăng1,2, Bùi Vinh Quang2, et al.2,3
1 Vietnam National Cancer Hospita
2 Hanoi Medical University
3 Vietnam National Cancer Hospital

Main Article Content


Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the results of the combination chemoradiotherapy regimen for stage IIB-III nasopharyngeal cancer with a weekly dose of cisplatin and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. Subjects and methods: An uncontrolled clinical intervention study on 68 stage IIB-III nasopharyngeal cancer patients, these patients received Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in combination with cisplatin 40mg/m2 body skin weekly for 6 weeks of radiotherapy, with or without adjuvant chemotherapy added. The treatment period is from January 2018 to April 2022 at K Hospital. Results: The rate of complete and partial response to treatment at 1 month and 3 months after the end of chemoradiotherapy was 86.7%, respectively; 95% and 13.3; 5%, there were no cases of unresponsive or progressive disease. Mean overall survival time: 34.41 ± 9.15 months. Overall survival: 97% at 12 months, 89.7% at 24 months and 84.1% at 36 months. The median disease-free survival time was 33.04 ± 10.74 months, disease-free survival: 12 months was 91.2%, 24 months was 85.3% and 36 months was 82.3%. Conclusion: The response to weekly cisplatin chemotherapy and Modulated Radiation Therapy was quite good, the overall survival and disease-free survival were both higher than those of traditional treatment regimens.

Article Details


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