Nguyễn Thị Huyền1,, Phan Văn Đức2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Bach Mai Hospital

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Reccurent ischemic stroke dued to damaged middle cerebral artery (MCA) causes neurological impairment, increases the rate of disability, death and treatment costs many times higher than that of the first ischemic stroke. The assessment of risk factors plays an extremely important role in the prevention of recurrent cerebral infarction. Objective: To determine some risk factors for recurrent cerebral infarction dued to damaged middle cerebral artery. Subjects and methods: A cross - sectional descriptive study on 77 patients diagnosed with recurrent ischemic stroke dued to damaged middle cerebral artery at the Neurology Center - Bach Mai Hospital from July 2021 to August 2022. Results: There were 22 female patients and 55 male patients with an average age of 65 ± 11 years old, mainly aged 61 - 70 years old (44,2%). The first reccurent stroke account for the highest rate (64,9%). The time from the most recent cerebral infarction to the recurrence of cerebral infarction from 12 months - 5 years accounts for the highest rate (33,8%). The main damaged arterial branch is M1 branch (40,3%). Hypertension and hyperlipidemia are two mainly risk factors. Patients with reccurent ischemic stroke dued to MCA  have an ineffective state of prevention of recurrence. Conclusion: In our study, cerebral infarction due to middle cerebral artery lesions had more risk factors and less effective prevention of recurrence.

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