Vũ Thị Nga1,, Phan Văn Đức2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Bach Mai Hospital

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Pontine hemorrhage is uncommon, clinical symptoms are varied, and neuroimaging is relatively typical. The disease has a high mortality rate, but there is no specific treatment method, mainly to ensure survival and control the risk factors that play an important role. Objective: To describe the clinical and neuroimaging characteristics of pontine hemorrhage. Analysis of some risk factors of patients with pontine hemorrhage. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional description of 48 patients diagnosed with pontine hemorrhage at Neurology Center - Bach Mai Hospital from July 2021 to September 2022. Results: In 48 patients included in the study, there were 40 male patients and 8 female patients, the mean age was 56 ± 13 years old, mainly the age group 50-59 years old (35.4%). Symptoms of sudden onset (83.3%), often occurring at work (41.7%), common headaches (87.5%), motor paralysis, facial disproportion (72.9%) and confusion consciousness (62.5%). Patients admitted to the hospital had a high rate of mild disturbance of consciousness Glasgow score 14-15 (62.5%), hypertension in stage 2 (45.8%), 9 patients (18.8%) had hypothermia. Common focal neurological symptoms include: hemiplegia (87.5%), central VII paralysis (41.7%). Some typical syndromes of the pontine: Milard-Gubler syndrome (27.1%), Foville syndrome (22.9%), Raymond-Cestan syndrome (16.7%). Typical imaging features on CT scan of the brain are homogenous increase in density (84.8%), with surrounding cerebral edema, the volume is usually over 3mL (41.7%). High blood pressure and diabetes are the two most common risk factors. Conclusion: It is more common in men than in women, usually at the age of 50-59. Sudden onset at work, diverse clinical symptoms: mild disturbance of consciousness, headache, hemiplegia, facial paralysis, pontine syndromes. On CT, there is a homogenous increase in density with surrounding cerebral edema. High blood pressure and diabetes are the two main risk factors.

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