Thị Hồng Nhung Huỳnh 1, Gia Phú Tào 1,, Thị Mộng Trinh Nguyễn 1, Thị Kim Tuyến Nguyễn 1, Thị Hồng Ngọc Huỳnh 1, Văn Trung Nguyễn 1, Huyền Thoại Nguyễn 1, Thị Kim Vân Nguyễn 1, Minh Hữu Lê 2, Thanh Bình Nguyễn 1
1 Tra Vinh University
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objectives: Hepatitis B is a common chronic infectious disease in VietNam. However, Hepatitis B is preventable through increased knowledge about the disease, vaccination, and changes in infectious risk behaviors. The study was conducted to estimate the knowledge of chronic hepatitis B infection and related factors among adult population in Tra Vinh Province, 2022. Methods: The study applied the cross-sectional descriptive design with the combination of structured interview and serological blood tests, from September 1, 2021, to June 1, 2022. Results: There were 1.289 respondents in the study, Overall, almost of people had information about chronic hepatitis B infection, and over half of the population knew that the disease could cause cirrhosis and liver cancer. Only 38.5% of patients know that Vietnam is in an epidemic area of ​​hepatitis B. Most people think that the common symptom of the disease is yellowing of the skin and eyes, accounting for 48% and 32.5%. The majority of people (80.37%) know that blood tests are required to diagnose the disease. Most study subjects know that hepatitis B can be transmitted, accounting for 68.5%, the proportion of people who know that the disease can be transmitted through injecting equipment, shared personal equipment, mother to child and sex was 64.39%, 56.79%, 34.76%, and 21.18%, respectively. In this study, it was found that there is a relationship between knowledge in preventing hepatitis B infection and infection rate. Conclusions: The proportion of people in Tra Vinh province with knowledge about hepatitis B is relatively good, but knowledge about the transmission route is still limited. Improving knowledge about infection prevention, especially prevention of mother-to-child transmission, is a remarkable point in public health education and communication programs on prevention of chronic HBV infection.

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