Giao Huỳnh 1,, Ý Lan Võ 1, Văn Khanh Trần 2, Kim Ngân Võ 2,3, Phi Hồng Ngân Nguyễn 2, Xuân Quang Phạm 2, Thị Tuyền Trương 4, Thị Hồng Lệ Phan 5, Thị Ngọc Hân Nguyễn 6
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
2 Le Van Thinh Hospital
3 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City
4 District 5 Medical Center, Ho Chi Minh City
5 Children's Hospital 2
6 University Medical Center Ho Chi Minh City branch 2

Main Article Content


This study aims to assess the percentage of good knowledge and associated factors among outpatients at Le Van Thinh Hospital in 2022. A cross-sectional study was performed between July to September 2022 on all outpatients treating the hospital. Data is collected through a self-completed questionnaire, with 17 questions assessing general knowledge, the cut-off point is 70% (12/17). A total of 330 patients completed the survey, the aged <50 years old (67.3%), and male (54.9%). The rate of general knowledge was 56.1%. The study found a relationship between good knowledge and age, education level, Occupation, history of hypertension and access to information sources (p<0.05). The rate of good knowledge achieved in this population is still low, which shows the need for a health education intervention program to improve people's knowledge.

Article Details


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