Đỗ Vân Ngà Trịnh1,, Văn Sơn Lê2, Triệu Hùng Đặng2, Khánh Long Nguyễn3
1 Vietnam National Children's Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University
3 Vietnam Cuba Friendship Hospital

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Cleft palate is one of the most common anomalies of the face which affects feeding and speech functions, facial growth and further psycho-socio problems. Palatoplasty plays a vital role in recovering both anatomic and functional aspects of the patients. Objective: To evaluate surgical outcomes of complete unilateral cleft palate patients who were under surgical techinque using small double-opposing Z-plasty. Subjects and methods: The randomized uncontrolled research was conducted on 30 complete unilateral cleft palate patients in National Children’s Hospital from June 2021 to August 2022. Results: Post-operation, the palatal elongated of average 3.40 ± 1.43 (mm). Immediate complication rates were 6,7% with 2 patients who had mild swollen and infection at surgical site. 2 months after the surgeries, all patients were reevaluated. Good healing was achieved in 90% without any complication; 6.7% had atypical uvula shape; 3.3% (1 out of 30) were ranged as Failed due to separation of the uvula.

Article Details


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