Mạnh Tiến Nguyễn1,, Trường Thịnh Vũ2, Minh Diện Lương3
1 VietDuc University Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University
3 Thai Binh Provincial General Hospital

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Introduction: The study aims to evaluate surgery outcome for closed Galeazzi fracture in adult in Viet Duc Hospital. Subjects and methodology: We retrospectively and prospectively described 62 Galeazzi fractures in 18 and older patients treated with surgery in Viet Duc University Hospital between January 2018 and December 2020. Result: Most patients were between 18 – 40 years old (72,6%), there were more male patients (66%).  Most common causes of injury was traffic accident and household acident (88,7%), 69% of the patients had isolated fracture without any concomitant injuries and indirect mechanism accounted for 93,5%. Results were mostly excellent and good (85,6%), 9,6% of the cases had fair outcome and only 4,8% had poor result. Conclusion: Galeazzi fracture is one the more common fractures of the upper limb, it affects the ability to prone and supine the hand and the wrist. ORIF helps anatomically reduce and stabilize the fracture to facilitate early post-operative rehabilitation which will leads to good results.

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