Việt Anh Phạm 1,2,, MạnhTuấn Vũ 1,3, Thị Hải Vân Hoàng 3
1 The Odonto-Stomatology Training Institute, Hanoi Medical University
2 Hanoi Medical University Hospital
3 Hanoi Medical University

Main Article Content


The objective of the study was to sum up the efficiency of the negative pressure irrigation system in disinfecting and cleaning root canals. Research is applied as a systematic review, using Pubmed, Google Scholar open source data. The subject header is the entire research article report in English in accordance with the standard selection. The number of articles selected and included in the analysis was 18. The results showed that the sterilizing, cleaning and slim tube removal efficiency of the negative pressure irrigation system was better than that of the positive application method, better or equivalent to ultrasound and laser methods. However, the evidence for these examiners is low, given that most of the studies have been done in vitro. Therefore, more clinical studies are needed to provide more valuable academic evidence for treating physicians.

Article Details


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