Văn Xuyên Đặng 1,, Thanh Hà Nguyễn 2, Phong Túc Vũ 3
1 Duc Giang General Hospital, Hanoi
2 National Hospital for Tropical Diseases
3 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objective: To describe the current situation in the implementation of regulations in medical solid waste management at some public general hospitals in Vietnam in 2017. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study, a qualitative study. over 40 public general hospitals. Results: 45% of hospitals fully implement organizational consolidation in medical solid waste management; 22.5% of hospitals fully comply with regulations in medical solid waste management, 22.5%, of which 60% have environmental impact assessment reports; has a 77.5% environmental protection project, has a 50% commitment to environmental protection, has a 97.5% waste source owner registration book, and a 75% discharge permit; have a contract for hazardous waste treatment 95%, contract for normal waste treatment 100%, contract for purchase and sale of recycled waste 90%, hazardous waste document 92.5%, determined environmental monitoring period 87.5%, medical waste generation monitoring book 85%. Conclusion: Hospitals have not fully complied with regulations on medical solid waste management according to legal regulations, especially district hospitals.

Article Details


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