Văn Xuyên Đặng 1,, Thanh Hà Nguyễn 2, Phong Túc Vũ 3, Văn Thường Nguyễn 1
1 Duc Giang General Hospital, Hanoi
2 National Hospital for Tropical Diseases
3 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objective: Describe the incurred situation of Medical waste at some public general hospitals in Vietnam in 2017. Method: Cross-sectional description, quantitative study on 200 departments/rooms in 40 public general hospitals. Results: Ratio of types of medical waste: common medical waste 90%, infectious medical waste 9.7%, non-communicable hazardous waste 0,3%. The amount of waste generated in hospitals is 2,479±4,113 kg/bed/day, of which infectious waste is 0.241±0.275 kg/bed/day, non-communicable hazardous waste is 0.007±0.014 kg/bed/day, common medical waste is 2,232±4,071 kg/bed/day. Medical waste at provincial hospitals was the highest, with 5,001±7,062 kg/bed/day, central level medical waste was 3,092±2,027 kg/bed/day, and was the lowest at district hospitals with 1.11± 1,075 kg/bed/day. Conclusion: Medical waste is mostly normal waste 90%, hazardous waste accounts for 10%; Waste generation is the highest at provincial level and lowest at district level. 

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