Thuận Lộc Trần 1, Hoàng Lan Anh Lê 1,, Thu Thủy Nguyễn 1, Văn Khoa Phạm 1
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Objectives: Comparative study on static and dynamic cyclic fatigue resistance of the ProTaper Universal F2 rotary file system when rotated in an S-shaped double-curved canal at 370C. Materials and methods: An in vitro research on 20 PTU F2 files with size 25 and taper 6% (25/0.06) all at 25mm in length. The file is rotated in a stainless steel artificial root canal with a double curved S-shape until it breaks. Both groups are operated by the X-Smart Plus endodontic motor with continuous rotational mode and 250 rpm speed. In the static test, the file rotates at a fixed working length, with no movement in the longitudinal axis of the file. In the dynamic test, the file rotates with an in-and-out motion along the longitudinal axis of the file with a fixed amplitude. In both tests, the root canal system was stabilized at 37°C (±0.50C). The operating time from the start of the rotation to the separation was recorded with an electronic chronograph. The value representing the cyclic fatigue resistance is the number of cycles to failure (NCF), determined by multiplying the rotational time until fracture and the rotational speed. Results: The number of cycles to failure NCF of the PTU F2 file in the dynamic test (499.33 ± 176,68) was significantly higher than in the static test (95.48 ± 33.49).

Article Details


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