Hoàng Tùng Trần1,, Công Thùy Đinh2, Minh Hải Vũ3
1 Viet Duc University Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University
3 ThaiBinh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Objectives: To evaluate functional outcome of simultaneous arthroscopic ACL and PCL reconstruction with peroneus longus tendon allograft in multiligamentous knee injuries. Patients  and  Methods: This description cross-sectional study was  performed on  32  patients  with  combined ACL-PCL injuries who underwentsimultaneous arthroscopic ACL-PCL reconstruction with peroneus longus  tendon at Viet Duc Hospital from 01/2017 to 01/2022. Sampling all eligible patients and consented to participate in the study. Post-operative results to monitor surgical status, fever, joint effusion and results after 6 months according to Lysholme and IKDC 2000 score. Results: In 32 patients, the mean age was 36.44 ± 10.1 years old (the lowest was 19 and the highest was 58 years old), the male/female ratio: 56,3/43.7%. The cause of traffic accidents is the highest, accounting for 59.4%. After surgery, the negative rate (0+, 1+) with Lachman signs /Lachman retrograde is 96.9% / 100%, anterior/posterior drawer is 100%/100%. Lysholm score increased on average from 39.9 to 89.7 points with p < 0.01, IKDC score before surgery with 94% type C and 90.6% grade D, after surgery significantly improved with 53.1% classified A, 43.8% classified B and only 3.1% classified C, no cases classified D at 6 months postoperatively. Conclusions: Simultaneous arthroscopic ACL and PCL reconstructions   using   peroneus longus allograft tendon for combined ACL and PCL injuries is a procedurewith better patient compliance and reproducible for a timely return of motion, strength, and function with favorable outcome.

Article Details


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