Main Article Content
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the success rate of endodontic treatments performed by undergraduate students. Materials and methods: After root canal filling was carried outin 48 patients with 52 teeth. At the follow-up visits, medical and dental history questionnaires were applied along with clinical and radiographic examinations. Data collected in the clinical exam included: the presence of pain, swelling, sinus tract, mobility, tenderness to palpation and percussion, periodontal probing profile. Postoperative and follow-up radiographs were digitalized and analyzed examiners to assess periapical healing. The treatment outcome was based on strict clinical and radiographic criteria and classified as success. Results: The result of correct sealing of working length is 69.2%, less working length is 15.4% and over working length is 15.4%. After 1 week of filling, there were 2 teeth with symptoms of spontaneous pain or palpation, accounting for 3.85%, other symptoms did not appear. After 1 month of filling, there was 1 tooth with symptoms of spontaneous pain or palpation, accounting for 1.92%, other symptoms did not appear. Conclusions: After 1 week of filling, 2 teeth showed pain symptoms after 1 month of filling, 1 tooth showed pain symptoms, other symptoms were not recorded. Sealing results on x-ray film: the rate of filling teeth with the correct working length and good fit is 61.54%, the rate of filling teeth with the correct working length but not a good fit is 7.69%, the rate of filling teeth .The wrong sealing length but good fit is 25%, the rate of teeth filling with wrong working length and not good fit is 5.77%.
Article Details
Endodontics, X-ray, working length
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