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Drug registration is a legal and technical tool to help the government manage the production, circulation, supply and quality assurance of drugs in pharmaceutical market. From 2015 to now, the number of drugs registered for circulation in Vietnam has tended to increase sharply with both domestic and imported drugs. With the purpose of providing an overview for regulators and pharmaceutical enterprises on the status of drug registration from the number of drugs circulating on the market to active ingredients, dosage forms, origins through the number of drugs in circulation registration of drugs in Vietnam. The study was conducted with a cross-sectional descriptive method, retrospectively using the circulating registration data of pharmaceutical chemicals, herbal drugs, vaccines and biological products. The analysis results show that in the period 2015-2021, there are a total of 19,892 registered registrations issued, the number of registration registrations tends to be stable over each year, especially in 2020 and 2021, the number of registration registration numbers will decrease sharply due to the COVID 19 pandemic. The domestic drugs are 3 times higher than imported drugs. The registration number of domestic drugs and the group of herbal and traditional medicines has been increased in line with the national strategy. The registration number has a variety of active ingredients and dosage forms
Article Details
drug registration, registration number, Vietnam
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