Thị Thanh Huyền Thái1,, Thị Kim Thanh Hồ2, Quang Tuyền Đỗ3
1 Thang long University
2 Hanoi Medical University
3 Thang Long University

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Objectives: To describe the nurses’ practice on preventing falls for the elderly at Friendship hospital and some related factors. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from June 2020 to June 2021 on 189 nurses at Friendship hospital using a self-assessment practice checklist. Results: 78.8% of nurses passed when assessing the fall risk and practicing fall prevention interventions for patients. The percentage of nurses who self-assessed their practice, such as checking whether the patient is receiving intravenous therapy, has a monitor, has drainage or has oxygen therapy was 95.8%; assessing mental status of patients is 92.6%.  Meanwhile, the percentage of nurses asking patients about their fall history was 39.7%. The factors related to the nurses’ practice of fall prevention for the elderly are age, working experience, update of fall prevention knowledge, fall prevention education, fall prevention attitude.

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