Anh Tuấn Nguyễn1,, Danh Sen Nguyễn2
1 Bach Mai Hospital
2 Hanoi Heart Hospital

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Videolaryngoscope is a new technique which has been used at many medical clinics over the world. It is believed that the device brings more suscessful and reduce the complication while performing the endotrachea tube intubation, especial in anatomy difficulty patient. We conducted the study to evaluate the advantage and suscessful rate of the intubation procerduce in emergency department. 74 patients with indication of emergency intubate were involved. The data revealed the overall suscessful rate was 98,7%, with the first attemp suscessful rate of 85,3%. Timimg of performance was 39.8 ± 20,27 second. Conclusion: the applying of videolaryngoscope has many profit and assist the doctor for more confidence and skillful in the emergency department.

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