Văn Giang Trần1,, Thị Nhung Nguyễn2, Ngọc Hà Lê2
1 Bac Ninh Provincial General Hospital
2 108 Military Central Hospital

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Objectives: evaluating the short- term of I-131 treatmen response and determine the factors that influence treatment response of papillary thyroid micro carcinoma (PTMC). Subjects and methods: A retrospective study of PTMC patients were diagnosed with papillary thyroid microcarcinoma by pathology and underwent total thyroidectomy, I-131 treatment at least 1 time from January 2020 to March 2022, at the 108 Military Central Hospital. All patients were treated by I-131 with dose range from 30-150 mCi. Treament response was assessed after the first I-131 treatment 6 - 12 months according to the ATA treatment response criteria 2015. Results: A total of 216 patients (39 male, 177 females, mean age 45.3± 11.5 years) were included in the study. Median time for follow-up was 12.71 months (range 7-20 months). There are 61/216 (28.2%) PTMC patients with the excellent response (ER), 47/216(21.6%) patients with the biochemical incomplete response (BCIR), 35/216 (16.5) patients with the structural incomplete response (SIR) and 73/216(33.8%) patients with the indeterminate response (IR). Univariate analysis showed that tumor size, pretreatment stimulated Tg and I-131 treatment dose were predictive factors for excellent response; p < 0.05. Conclusions: In our stydy, the rate of complete treatment response is still low. Tumor size, pretreatment Tg stimulation and I-131 treatment dose are predictive factors for excellent response.

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