Văn Hậu Nguyễn1,, Thị Tô Châu Trần1
1 Bach Mai hospital

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Objectives: 1. Evaluation of the analgesic effect of subcutaneous and intramuscular calcitonin in patients with new vertebral fractures due to primary osteoporosis. 2. Evaluate the side effects of these 2 methods. Subjests and Methods: A single-blind prospective study of 69 cases diagnosed new vertebral fractures due to primary osteoporosis with indications for Calcitonin, comparing 2 groups intramuscularly and subcutaneously. The data is analyzed and processed by medical statistical method, using SPSS 20.0 software. Results: The study showed that the improvement of spinal VAS pain score, RMD score improvement appeared immediately after Calcitonin injection with p = 0.00 and there was no difference in the analgesic effect of Calcitonin through intramuscular and subcutaneous injection. Side effects reported: nausea, vomiting, dizziness. These side effects usually occur in the early days and subside and then disappear on their own in the following days despite no treatment. Among the patients who developed side effects, the intramuscular injection group (22/26 patients) had a higher rate and severity than the subcutaneous injection group (4/26 patients) with p=0.00. However, the local VAS pain score in the subcutaneous injection group (mean VAS = 5.4) was statistically significantly higher than the intramuscular injection group (mean VAS = 4.2). Conclutions: Calcitonin analgesia appeared on the first day of treatment and there was no difference in analgesia between the intramuscular and subcutaneous groups. However, the injectable dermal injection group had an advantage because of fewer side effects compared to the intramuscular injection group

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